Bolton was born in Naples on 14th January 1935. He taught drawing and the history of art at the “P. Villari” Istituto magistrale Statale in Naples. He has developed a personal artistic language which has earned him wide acclaim from critics and public both in his homeland and abroad. Bolton likes to define himself a “realist”: a statement apparently at odds with his choice of subject matter which is fantastic or, in the case of his seascapes, old fashioned. However on closer inspection, his old sailing ships are above all figurative pretexts for the representation of nature in its changing aspects and in its atmospheric variations. The natural elements, drawn from life in minute detail, emerge from the traditional background to become the real subjects of the paintings. His is a realism which is transfigured poetically by the light and colours, which are fused in a harmonic accord of graded shades within the same tonal range. In this way, even his battle scenes become opportunities to experiment in studies of luminosity and colour. He has participated in national and international exhibitions and art lovers in both Italy and abroad have shown interest in his work.
Showing 1–16 of 22 results
Battaglia di Kamperduin, 1799
Height: 60cm
Length: 80cm -
Bombardamento del castello e presa di Portobello nel 1739
Height: 70cm
Length: 100cm -
Combattimento Navale
Height: 70cm
Length: 100cm -
Il Combattimento D’Ovessant, 1844
Height: 120cm
Length: 170cm -
Il Saluto all’Ammiraglio nel Porto
Height: 100cm
Length: 160cm -
L’Arrivo della Flotta, 1851
Height: 50cm
Length: 70cm -
La Battaglia di Gibilterra, 25 Aprile 1607
Height: 80cm
Length: 120cm -
La Fregata di Dutch, 1696
Height: 70cm
Length: 80cm -
La Tempesta, 1847
Height: 50cm
Length: 80cm -
Molo di Bordrecht
Height: 60cm
Length: 80cm -
Navi al largo di Dover, 1848
Height: 70cm
Length: 100cm -
Navi da Guerra Olandesi
Height: 60cm
Length: 80cm -
Navi inglesi catturate dopa la battaglia delle quattro giorni
Height: 70cm
Length: 100cm -
Navi Inglesi Sottocosta
Height: cm
Length: cm -
Paesaggio Costiero con Navi Olandesi
Height: 50cm
Length: 70cm